Cosmic Energetics of the Scientific and Practical Trend

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Cosmic Energy Healing is a method of formation and employment of energo-informational flows (EIFs). The method’s goal is the healing and self-development of men and whole nature. It represents itself today as:

  1. It’s world outlook, in the background of which lies the principle of Unity and Indivisibility of Man, Nature and Cosmos, the primitive essence of which is energy, represented as solid or gauzy matter. Man, in the same way as Cosmos itself is “woven” from these two forms of energy.


  2. Science investigating the whole diversity of the energetical interaction of everything existing on Earth with events taking place in the Cosmos


  3. The trend employing achievements of Cosmic Energetics as world outlook and science for the honorable sake of spiritual,
    moral and physical health of man. The background principle is that it is the spiritual energy that revives and fills with new
    forces the physical structure of matter in its every possible form.


  4. Medical practice based on employment of the energo-informational flows impact on the energetic centers , as well as gauzy forms of a man, with the aim of enhancing his energetic potential and securing on this ground of the complex sanitation of the organism.


  5. The method of transmission of the cosmoenergetic knowledge
    and capabilities through initiations. It allows contributing to
    speedy evolutionary growth of consciousness. This process
    incorporates unity with nature, realization of current process,
    both internal and external, exhibition of creative activity,
    development of super-faculties (for instance second sight and
    clairvoyance), rational employment of one’s psychic energy
    Cosmic Energetics as a method of energoinformational impact on
    the psychic fields of a man, consists of several components:
    1. The theory, including in itself an esoteric picture of the word
      structure, as well as conceptions of man’s evolutionary
      development, ideas of a man as a bioenergetics substance, a
      conception of the psychic apparatus’ structure, ideas about
      energoiformational impacts’ system and aura-diagnostics
    2. The practice, including in itself Initiations, personal therapy and supervision. Disciples are initiated into:
      • The Buddist block of channels
      • The Magic block of channels
      • Masters
      • Progressors
      • The Egregorian Zoroastrinism

Personal therapy requires:
a) a self-sufficing practice and
therapy exercised by another cosmic energetics’ practitioner.

The technique includes methods of therapy, devices of technical work

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