Homeopathy – Chronic Disease

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Until the beginning of the 20th century, the world was plagued by acute infectious diseases, from which many people died. Due to the lack of sanitary infrastructure, human communities very easily become prey to epidemics, taking many lives, especially of the weaker social classes, who had a lower standard of living. This is still the case even today in the countries of the “third world”,  where there are no proper sanitary conditions. 

With the rise in living standards and in particular with the installation of water supply and sewerage networks, and with the  knowledge of hygiene, infectious diseases were limited too in frequency, intensity and variance.

In the 2nd half of the 20th century, the epidemic of infectious diseases got replaced by chronic diseases, which are considered incurable. Being diagnosed with a chronic disease means that ones will need to take medication for the rest of one’s life and suffer from their side effects alongside, that will have an impact on one’s quality of life. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, as well as the booming of autoimmune diseases and those of the central nervous system, shows that the road followed by conventional medicine missed its target. The chemicals cannot bring the deep disorder of harmony between the physical and the psycho-mental functions back into balance.

The definition of health by the World Health Organization speaks for physical, mental and social well-being, omitting, of course, the interaction between them. The bio-psycho-social model of health developed in the recent years, trying to bridge the gaps created by the mechanistic segmentation of human organism into systems that are tested and “cured” separately, as if they were machine parts. The holistic approach of Homeopathy for a chronic disease patient, gives the opportunity to reduce the consumption of conventional chemical drugs, or even cease it, as long as they are no longer needed, while regulating the harmonic homeostasis of the Organism. The effect and the results always depend on the level of health of the patient (the homeopathic treatment relates to the patient rather than the illness), on the previously-taken medications that deeply affect the homeostasis of the organism, on the time passed from the first onset of symptoms, the inherited burden of the patient and mainly on the current circumstances of their life. It can certainly contribute a lot to improve the quality of life of the patient, increasing the capabilities of the immune system to respond positively to any outside or inside threat.


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